GNU GPL v3, il testo definitivo

Posted by Marco Frattola on July 02, 2007

Gli sforzi di FSF e di un lungo cammino collaborativo, hanno dato i loro frutti: il 29 giugno 2007, infatti, ha visto la luce la release 3 della licenza GNU GPL, il cui testo si trova qui.

Data l’importanza del documento, riportiamo il testo integrale e definitivo della licenza anche sul nostro sito, nella sezione Documenti: leggila.

Come segnalava Valerio nella nostra lista discussioni, già è in atto la migrazione di licenza di gran parte dei programmi GNU, a cui speriamo faccia seguito un’onda di “ri-liberazione”…

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, GNU sed has been upgraded to the new license.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License and Lesser General Public License, GNU *lightning* has been
upgraded to the new license.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, GNU *Shishi* has been upgraded to the new license.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, the GNU *Generic Security Service Library* has been upgraded to
the new license.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, GNU *cflow* has been upgraded to the new license.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, GNU *cpio* has been upgraded to the new license.

- The GNU Mailutils team is pleased to announce the release of
GNU *Mailutils* 1.2. This release is a part of the releasing of
version 3 of the GNU General Public License.

- I am pleased to announce the release of GNU *Radius* 1.5. This
release is a part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General
Public License.

- As part of the releasing of version 3 of the GNU General Public
License, GNU *tar* has been upgraded to the new license.

- GNU Source *Installer* 2.4 has been just released.
The main focus of this version is the move to GPLv3.
The latest bugfixes for libsrcinst are also included.


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